On the other hand, for parents who already have most of this equipment lying around in the house or in their storage, Babyquip is a nice way to earn a profit for your investment on your child. Other than renting out toys, cribs and strollers, Babyquip has also added the options for contractors to deliver other items such as baby wipes, formula or diapers to travelling parents, for a fee. This website connects travelling parents, who require baby gear for their vacation, with parents in their locality, who have the required gear and are keen on renting them out.
Instead of annoying your relatives or friends for strollers, car seats, cribs or even a suitcase full of toys, parents can sign up on and access Babyquip’s database.

The whole process is as easy as it is convenient. Babyquick acts as the intermediary through which independent providers (known as Independent Quality Providers) clean, deliver, set up and pick up baby equipment. Our Review of Babyquipīabyquip is a baby gear-rental service and it has a very simple business model. However, the Sharks could only offer the same for a bigger chunk of their equity, so the mother and son duo had to walk out without a deal. In order to take their business to the next level, Fran and Joe Maeir also entered ABC’s Shark Tank seeking an investment of $500,000 in exchange for 5% equity of their business. What’s more, they also acquired baby equipment rental directories and a company called Rent Baby Equipment. With their seed capital, they went on to partner with Kids & Coe and vacation hotels to grow their services. In 2018, the Airbnb of baby gear rentals had reportedly concluded a round of investments that totaled $1.3 million. Even better, both mother and son knew how cumbersome it can be to travel with young children. In 2017, Babyquip was being managed by Fran Maier and her son, Joe, both of whom had considerable experience in marketing, graphic designing, web designing and other business operations. However, Couillard eventually slid out of business activities but, till date, remains a major stakeholder of the company. Together, Couillard and Maier raised an impressive $450,000 in seed investments. In 2016, Kerri introduced Fran Maier, co-founder of, to her idea and since the successful entrepreneur was impressed by the idea, she was eventually made the CEO. Instead, she tried renting out the equipment.Ĭouillard’s idea was an instant hit because apparently, there were hundreds of frazzled parents out there who were planning vacations and thought it was a wonderful idea. Unlike most parents, she didn’t throw away all of this stuff or just give it away.

Kerri Couillard, the cofounder of Babyquip, was on the other side of this deal because she had a ton of unused baby equipment lying around her house. In such situations, some parents think it’s a great idea to borrow baby equipment from other families whose children might have grown out of these items or just don’t need them at the moment.

Traveling with younger children can be stressful enough, never mind the pressure of packing and lugging around all your valuable gear.