Sam married Rosie Cotton and moved into Bag End with Frodo. The saplings grew at an astonishing rate. Sam travelled the length and breadth of the Shire replanting trees, using the elf-queen Galadriel's gift of earth from her garden, and one seed of the elvish mallorn tree, which he planted at Hobbiton. The hobbits returned home horrified to find the Shire under the control of "Sharkey" ( Saruman) and his ruffians who had wantonly felled trees and despoiled the villages the hobbits defeated them at the Battle of Bywater. It was indeed a mallorn, and it was the wonder of the neighbourhood.

In the Party Field a beautiful young sapling leaped up: it had silver bark and long leaves and burst into golden flowers in April. His trees began to sprout and grow, as if time was in a hurry and wished to make one year do for twenty. He went up and down the Shire in this labour but if he paid special attention to Hobbiton and Bywater no one blamed him. So Sam planted saplings in all the places where specially beautiful or beloved trees had been destroyed, and he put a grain of the precious dust in the soil at the root of each. Gollum attacked Frodo and reclaimed the Ring, only to destroy both it and himself by falling into one of the Cracks of Doom. The two then journeyed through Mordor and into Mount Doom, Sam carrying Frodo on his back for some of the way. Sam then rescued Frodo (who had only been paralysed) from the orcs who held him captive. He was momentarily tempted by its promise of power, but did not succumb to it. When a band of orcs approached, Sam was forced to leave the apparently dead Frodo and take the Ring himself, and briefly became the Ring-bearer. When Shelob stung Frodo, Sam drove her off. His suspicions were proven right when Gollum betrayed them to the giant spider Shelob.

Sam distrusted Gollum, who became their guide into Mordor. Sam protected and cared for Frodo, who was growing weaker under the Ring's influence, as they moved through the dangerous lands toward Mordor. When the Fellowship split up at the Falls of Rauros, Sam insisted on accompanying Frodo. In the elvish land of Lothlórien, Galadriel gives Sam a small box of earth from her garden. At the Council of Elrond there, Sam joined the Fellowship of the Ring. They were joined by Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took, Frodo's cousins, traveling together to Rivendell. As "punishment" for eavesdropping on Gandalf's conversation with Frodo regarding the One Ring, Sam was made Frodo's first companion on his journey to Rivendell. Samwise Gamgee was Frodo Baggins's gardener, having inherited the position from his father, Hamfast "Gaffer" Gamgee, who was Bilbo Baggins's gardener. Tolkien's biographers have noted the resemblance of Sam's relationship with Frodo to that of military servants to British Army officers in the First World War.įurther information: Tolkien's Middle-earth poetry Psychologists have seen Sam's quest as a psychological journey of love. Tolkien considered Sam a hero of the story. Scholars have remarked the symbolism in Sam's story, which carries echoes of Christianity for instance, his carrying of Frodo is reminiscent of Simon of Cyrene's carrying of Christ's cross. The name Gamgee derives from a local name for cotton wool, from a surgical dressing invented by Sampson Gamgee hence Sam's girlfriend Rosie is from the Cotton family. He was elected Mayor of the Shire for seven consecutive terms. Following the War of the Ring, Sam returned to the Shire and his role as gardener, helping to replant the trees which had been destroyed while he was away. Sam served as Ring-bearer for a short time when Frodo was captured by orcs his emotional strength was again demonstrated when he willingly gave the Ring back to Frodo.

Sam was Frodo's steadfast companion and servant, portrayed as both physically strong for his size and emotionally strong, often supporting Frodo through difficult parts of the journey and at times carrying Frodo when he was too weak to go on. He was drawn into Frodo's adventure while eavesdropping on a private conversation Frodo was having with the wizard Gandalf. Sam is a member of the Fellowship of the Ring, the group of nine charged with destroying the One Ring to prevent the Dark Lord Sauron from taking over the world. A hobbit, Samwise is the chief supporting character of The Lord of the Rings, serving as the sidekick of the protagonist Frodo Baggins. Samwise Gamgee ( / ˈ s æ m ˌ w aɪ z ˈ ɡ æ m ˌ dʒ iː/, usually called Sam) is a fictional character in J.